Здравствуйте, уважаемые друзья BSFF. Вот некоторые новости, которые я думаю будут вам очень интересны! У меня есть новый способ общения со всеми вами, что, я думаю, будет гораздо лучше для нас. У меня теперь есть новый блог BSFF. Это даст нам возможность интерактивно общаться, а не только с односторонней связью от меня.
Вы можете получить доступ к блогу через основной сайт BSFF. Просто нажмите на Blog в верхнем меню.
Я планирую использовать этот блог для обмена большим количеством информации и рекомендаций по различным аспектам психологических расстройств и проблем, которые ограничивают нас лично в некоторых областях, а также для устранения психологических составляющих физиологических проблем.
Теперь у Вас есть возможность отправить свои вопросы и комментарии к моим авторизованным Продвинутым Тренерам BSFF и мне. Мы будем отвечать на Ваши вопросы и проблемы. Я надеюсь, что этот блог будет очень информативным, ободряющим и полезным для Вас во многих отношениях. Иногда он может быть даже интересным.
Я хотел сделать это в течение долгого времени. Но, я не очень разбираюсь в технологиях и столкнулся с трудностями при моем плотном графике, чтобы добраться до этого проекта. Мой дислексия также во многом ограничевала меня. Я не могу печатать вслепую. Таким образом, всегда приходилось вводить и редактировать мои письма. Сейчас я учусь использовать Dragon NaturallySpeaking чтобы диктовать свои письма. Это поможет мне лучше общаться с большей эффективностью со всеми вами.
Я приглашаю и призываю Вас принять участие в этом новом блоге. Вы можете задавать вопросы, которые вызывают беспокойство, и получить обратную связь, а также ответить на любую запись. Мои Продвинутые Тренера BSFF очень шустрые ребята с огромным опытом работы в этой области. И они весьма знающи и умелые в области использования и применения BSFF. Вместе мы все преданы своему делу, с целью помочь Вам расти и для Вашей личной свободы. Вы быстро поймете, что у каждого из нас сердце настроено на служение людям. Мы хотим, чтобы вы стали свободными быстро во всех отношениях: умственно, эмоционально, физически и духовно!
Те из вас, кто уже использовал BSFF должны знать, что Вы можете сделать некоторые весьма замечательные вещи, чтобы помочь себе освободиться от старых проблем. Многие из Вас имели также большие достижения и удовлетворение, помогая другим очень эффективно работать с BSFF. Так присоединяйтесь к нам на блог BSFF на www.besetfreefast.com. У нас есть чем поделиться друг с другом.
There is some good news from Larry below. He has started a blog through the BSFF web site. This means you can easily ask questions and get answers from Larry and the other trainers.. He also reports even better news that his health has improved and he is back to normal.
There is a fascinating article by Stephan Coleman about the use of BSFF for serious physical ailments based on an integration with the work of German New Medicine(GNM).The health industry in the developed world is a political economic institution designed to maximize profits from illness. Please notice that Stephen emphasizes that BSFF is a self help method. Dr. Hamer, the developer of GNM, was jailed for curing approximately 6000 out of 6500 cancer patients. It is illegal even for an MD to apply these methods.
I want to emphasize that everything we present on the website, in the blog and in this newsletter is for informational and self help use only. Many people around the world are using BSFF as part of their professional practices. BSFF is a helpful tool for all of us. However, it must be understood that BSFF and the people using it make no claims that it will cure any physical or medical illness or disease. BSFF is used only to eliminate emotional components that are involved in any problem that we treat.
You can probably tell from the above that I have some anger in relation to the health care industry. So, as I am writing this, I am using my cue word to clear the discomfort in relation to the anger. That is how I use BSFF. I constantly monitor my reactions to life and apply my cue word whenever I feel any discomfort. The event or situation is not the problem. Discomfort is the only problem. That is why we use the Subjective Unit of Discomfort (SUD) level to measure our progress.
Anger itself, or any other feeling, is not a problem. All the so called negative emotions are natural responses to the perception of danger. We have been conditioned to treat emotions as a problem and to either suppress (dissociate) them or project them on others. Suppressing them into my body or projecting them on others causes the discomfort which is the problem.
Suppression or projection is the major reason why noticing the problem is the most difficult part of BSFF. We also can become so used to a discomfort that we no longer notice it or perceive it as a problem.
My anger and indignation is really a reaction to the misuse of authority, a PTSD symptom from Viet Nam. Its also a result of my knowledge and understanding being out of synch with the current medical paradigm. I know "they" can hurt me and that causes fear. In fact, this story does not really matter. What matters is that I have been conditioned to not feel anger. That leaves me with only two choices. Store the anger in my body or project it onto "them".
Anger stored in my body eventually becomes aches, pains, inflammation, and illness. Anger projected is either ineffectual or invites retaliation.
The cue word clears my resistance to feeling the anger, as my anger, caused by my subconscious reaction. It keeps me in the now. When I feel my anger here, in my body, as just anger, without discomfort, it becomes the power to act positively in the situation, or I can choose a different response.
The cue word also activates the instructions that clear the synaptic patterns that have been conditioned in my nervous system and brain that elicits the anger, giving me the freedom to respond to the situation as it is, not from the past conditioning.
Barry Gordon
Note from Larry: Hello, dear readers. Here is a very informative article that brilliantly integrates three different methodologies from different areas of healing. I believe each one of you will get something very valuable from reading this and learning how to use the other models that Stephen has integrated with BSFF. Here is a case example which will be very helpful, as it is quite typical of many of the problems that we treat with BSFF.
My Journey Discovering a New Revolution in Healthcare
by Stephen Coleman TBC/RHC, BSFF
Stephen Coleman
Stephen Coleman
I have been interested in alternative health since I was a youngster. I was harvesting wild herbs for the use of my family and our livestock as young as twelve years old. I continued to study and observe over the years, eventually becaming a certified herbalist.
In 2003, dissatisfied with my career, I chose to go into alternative healthcare. With what I believe was divine guidance, I was lead to a website in China by typing in the word "bioholographic", just to see what I would get. Yingqing Zhang's website popped up. I instinctively knew I found something valuable. I could not sleep until I signed up for his course.
I studied ECIWO biology under the late Prof. Yingqing Zhang of Shandong University. He had discovered the physiological basis to explain how acupuncture is an effective treatment for many illnesses. He produced a new theory: The Bio-holographic Law that explains why so many different manipulation and pressure modalities work, including reflexology, shiatsu or tongue, iris and pulse diagnosis.
Although I had good results with this method, there were people who did not respond. I wanted to know the root of all illness, if there was such a thing. I wanted to know why some people don't respond to treatments.
Again I was divinely guided to a website explaining the discoveries of a German oncologist, Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer. I found the website quite by accident.
I instantly recognized Dr. Hamer's work to be genuine. His discoveries of brain edemas corresponding to diseases was a perfect match with Yingqing Zhang's Bio-holographic Law. Dr. Hamer recognized that specific illnesses would always show up on CT scans in the same specific place within the brain.
These brain edemas, Dr. Hamer learned, are caused by emotional upsets, conflicts and unexpected traumas. Each type of conflict has its specific area within the brain. So, by looking at a CT scan, the type of conflict the client is suffering can be observed. Dr Hamer proved that if you resolve the conflict, the body heals. Dr. Hamer has been able to cure cancer, Down's Syndrome, schizophrenia, and many other "incurable diseases."
He should have won the Nobel Prize; instead, he was sent to prison and had his medical license revoked. He has suffered a lifetime of persecution from the medical establishment for bringing the world the truth.
Many clients have forgotten they have a conflict, but the body does not lie and with some questioning the memory can be brought back to consciousness. Recognizing that I needed a tool to work with the subconscious more effectively, I began exploring "energy therapies".
Starting with EMDR and working my way through EFT, TAT, and WHEE, I combined these energy therapies with Hamer's discoveries of what is called German New Medicine (GNM). Ah, what amazing results!
Even so, I could not accept the explanations of why the tapping or hand positions on acupuncture points worked. It did not fit with the Bio-holographic Law. These modalities work miracles, therefore, there must be an unknown principle at work. I also needed a more organized and thorough approach or system.
Once again I was divinely led to Dr. Larry Nims' website and ordered the book. Larry called me on a Sunday night and we spoke for about a half an hour. Larry answered all my questions, simply and elegantly. Larry understands what the unknown principle is: all the tapping, eye movements, hand positions etc... are nothing but a signal or a cue to the subconscious to go to work. The subconscious is your "faithful servant" and it will do what you ask, if you know how to ask.
Today I am very satisfied how BSFF combines with GNM. This combination has helped many people overcome serious illnesses including cancer, diabetes, congenital heart disorders, allergies...and the list goes on.
How are BSFF and GNM combined? First, we discuss the physical symptoms. Let's use breast cancer for an example. Breast cancer usually involves a worry, a fear, or conflict for a child, husband or sometimes a beloved pet.
The following questions are typically asked: When was it diagnosed? Were you worried about a loved one before the diagnosis? Did something terrible happen? Most often something is found.
Treatment with BSFF: First, the fear and shock of the diagnosis are treated. This is to prevent metastasis and other complications. Then the worry and conflicts over the loved one are treated. (Remember I don't treat clients, they learn to treat themselves.)
Usually the conflict seems to be not a big deal to the client. I worked with a client with breast cancer, who could not identify any conflict. Everything was fine. I was at a loss. However, while doing a countdown treating the fear of the diagnosis, she noticed her heart pounding every time the subject was brought up about her daughter's state exams. Her daughter was in Singapore. Her body was telling the truth. She feared for her daughter's future life. In addition, this client admitted to being a poor student and having done poorly on her own state exam. She wanted to nurture her daughter through the stress of studying and taking the exam.
This particular case would have been very difficult to treat with conventional therapy, but with BSFF, she treated herself until her heart remained calm. She exclaimed that she felt like she had lost ten pounds and was feeling overwhelmingly peaceful. When clients say that, I know a major shift has happened.
Only one session was needed and she went into spontaneous remission.
The problem with modern western medicine is the unspoken and unquestioned axiomatic assumption that the mind does not affect the body. This explains how honest medical studies can never come to any firm conclusions and why statistical medicine doesn't have the desired effectiveness.
I am forever grateful for Dr. Larry Nims', Dr. Zhang's and Dr. Hamer's dedication and hard work through which a new revolution in emotional and physical health has begun. The body and mind are inextricably intertwined; neither one can work effectively isolated from the other.
I'm grateful for the help of others that have built upon their teacher's work, Dr. Claude Sabbah, Gilbert Renaud, Leigh Skews, Linda Compton, Alfred Heath, Barry Gordon and the rest of us in the BSFF group who unselfishly share ideas that continue to move the work forward.
Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Stephen Coleman
email: stephencoleman95361@yahoo.com
website http://new-holistic-medicine.com
Stephen grew up in a remote area of the California Gavilan Mountains where he was self taught in wild edible plants, tracking and survival skills. He studied agronomy and botany in College and volunteered for 3 years helping in the development of the people of Honduras.
He learned that rather than poor agricultural practices, social problems such as alcohol and a general decay of morality were at the root of the unhappiness and poverty. He then gave up teaching agriculture and chose to encourage morality and the abstinence from alcohol.
Stephen has four children and works together with his eldest daughter, Elen, who is very skilled at dealing with spiritual attachments.
Stephen lives in Modesto, California and works by telephone, Skype, or in person with clients from all over the world.
Note from Larry.
Dr. Larry Nims
Hello, dear friends of BSFF. Here is some news that I think is pretty exciting! I have a new way of communicating with all of you that I think will be much better for us. I now have a new BSFF blog. This will give us the ability to interact instead of just having one-way communications from me.
You can access the blog through the main BSFF website. Just click on blog in the top menu.
I plan to use this blog to share lots of information and guidance about different aspects of psychological distresses, problems that limit us personally in some way, and ways to eliminate the psychological components of physical problems.
You will now be able to post your questions and comments to my authorized BSFF Advanced Trainers and myself. We will be responding to your questions and concerns. I expect this blog to be very informative, encouraging and helpful for you in many ways. At times it may even be entertaining.
I have wanted to do this for a long time. But, I'm not really tech savvy and have had difficulty in my busy schedule to get to this project. My dyslexia has also been a big limitation with typing for me. I cannot touch-type. Therefore, it has always taken me forever to type and edit my writing. Now I am learning to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to dictate my writing. This will help me to better communicate more efficiently with all of you.
Also, I have been seriously ill for the past two years. That has really slowed me down. I'm very happy, and relieved, to be able to tell you that, at age 76, that is all behind me now. I am well and strong and ready to move on.
I invite and encourage you all to participate on this new blog. You can ask questions, raise concerns, and interact with, and respond to any of the posts. My BSFF Advanced Trainers are very sharp cookies with an enormous range of experience in this field. And, they are quite knowledgeable and skillful in the use and applications of BSFF. Together, we are all highly dedicated to helping you to grow and to reclaim your personal freedom. You will quickly realize that we each have a heart for serving other people. We want you to be set free fast in every way - - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually!
Those of you who have already used BSFF know that you can do some quite remarkable things to help yourselves get free old problems. Many of you have also had the great rewards and satisfaction of helping others very effectively with BSFF. So join us on the BSFF blog at www.besetfreefast.com. We have much to share together.
Alfred & Jane at the Toronto CEHP
Note from Larry: Alfred and Jane are excellent presenters and they are highly skilled in BSFF.
Also, you will really enjoy and find fascinating so many other presentations and topics in these ACEP conferences. I have attended many of them since 1999 and have learned a lot from the other energy psychology folks there. And, for many of you, there are continuing educations credits available for many of the workshops.
I was honored to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from ACEP at the Baltimore conference several years ago.
The main speakers each day are always very interesting and stimulating. You will be very glad that you attended!
Wish I could be there, but cannot this year.
Check out the Conference brochure for the programs that will be offered.
When you are there please give Alfred and Jane lots of hugs for me.
Dear psychology and other changeworkers,
jane Beard
Jane Beard
We are pleased to announce that BSFF trainers Alfred Heath, MA, LPC and Jane Beard, MS, CEHP will be co-presenting in a breakout session at the Canadian Energy Psychology Conference in Toronto taking place 22-23 October this year.
Alfred and Jane will be presenting "How to apply BSFF to help realize your Life's Purpose and Heart's Desire". Post-graduates of Larry and Don's Advanced BSFF Worskshop have been enjoying a version of this protocol from Alfred's Collective BSFF session on Tuesdays.
Alfred Heath
Alfred Heath
Alfred and Jane decided to join forces to develop this concept in more depth and offer the wider community a profound in-person group experience of BSFF using this same theme. According to Alfred "We can use BSFF to successfully resolve all kinds of emotional, behavioral and mind-body problems we find ourselves experiencing, but BSFF is also a powerful tool to help usreach desired goals in life and inner states of well being.
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